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PLEASE NOTE - If an auctioneer / auction company is not listed under our Member Auctioneers / Registered Auctioneers list, they are NOT SAIA registered auctioneer members, and are not registered and regulated by The SA Institute of Auctioneers the Official and only Professional Body of the Auction Industry in South Africa.

Please refer to our member auctioneers list for all current SAIA members registered under the Professional Body Status. 


Kindly be advised there are currently quite a few scams doing the rounds and it has come to our attention that there are some fraudulent Facebook pages impersonating Auction Businesses and advertising scam auctions on Facebook. Unfortunately, there have been members of the public who have fallen victim to these scams.

The South African Institute of Auctioneers (SAIA) proposes buyers run through the following safety tips to ensure that they do not fall victim:

  1. NEVER pay money over to anyone, unless you have physically and personally viewed and inspected the item and are  100% satisfied with the condition.
  2.  At no time whatsoever will auctioneers require a deposit for viewing purposes, they will however require a refundable deposit to register to bid at the auction. All vehicles relating to bank repossessions will only be sold via auction and the same usually applies to liquidations and insolvencies. 
  3. Insist on an invoice with letterhead and company details as well as reference number should you need to make payment. Make every attempt to verify account details.
  4. Verify that you are dealing with the correct and legitimate company, Check the company’s contact details ie. landline, email, physical address, Google and use Google Maps to check.
  5. Establish how the auction will be conducted, how to login and how the bidding will work. It should be simple and transparent
  6. Financial Institutions will never sell the vehicles before an auction. If you are interested in a vehicle, you have to attend the auction.
  7. Do not be tempted to engage in off-hand / pre auction negotiations, as no pre auction negotiations will be done before a vehicle is placed on auction as auctioneers firmly work on instructions received by sellers, such as financial institutions, liquidators, collectors etc who always require legitimate auctioneers to fetch the highest bid on auction.
  8. When in doubt, contact SAIA to verify and establish whether the company is known to the institute and is a member in good standing.

Help us to prevent this from happening to others.

We urge all to please be vigilant and check that you are viewing registered auctioneer's pages and actual auctions.

If you suspect any suspicious profiles or auctions as being a scam, you can do the following:

We would like to request that our members share with us if they have had similar experiences so we can document these scams, share them with the public and expose these fraudsters.

You can contact us directly, or Log A Complaint 

The South African Institute of Auctioneers (SAIA), the official governing body for the auction industry, ADVISES the public to first confirm if an auctioneer is a SAIA member. Non-SAIA members fall outside SAIA's ambit to protect the public and don't subscribe to its Code of Ethics.

Verify auctioneers by visiting or email Sonja Styger on [email protected].

Die Suid-Afrikkanse Instituut vir Afslaers (SAIA), die offisiele beskermliggaam vir die afslaers industrie, adviseer die publiek om seker te maak dat 'n afslaer wel 'n SAIA geregistreerde lid is. Nie-SAIA geregistreerde afslaers val buite SAIA se beskermingsjurisduksie waarbinne hul die publiek kan beskerm en hooef ook nie aan SAIA se Etiese Kode te voldoen nie.

Besoek of stuur 'n e-pos aan Sonja Styger, [email protected] en bevestig of afslaers wel SAIA geregistreerde lede is.

I-Institute of South African Institute of Auctioneers (SAIA), ibhunga elilawulayo elisemthethweni kwintengiso, IQONDISA uluntu ukuba liqinisekise okokuqala ukuba umntu othungayo uyilungu le-SAIA. Amalungu angewona-SAIA aphelelwa ngaphandle kwe-SAIA ukulungiselela ukukhusela uluntu kwaye angabhalisi kwiKhowudi yokuziphatha.

Qinisekisa abathengisi ngokutyelela okanye u-imeyile uSonja Styger ku [email protected]

Some of the scam companies portraying to be SAIA Registered members and or imitating SAIA Members:

The following companies are known to us for performing scams:


  • liquidity middle click
  • Royal Academy middle site right
  • PVA Banner
  • michael james site left bottom
  • South African Auction College
  • WH auctions site click right