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Automart Online Auctions

As one of South Africa’s most notable vehicle online marketplaces, Auto Mart has been a trusted choice for users looking to buy or sell new, demo or used cars and bikes. Visitors to Auto Mart can expect a user-friendly platform, verified dealers and private sellers, as well as the convenience of browsing a variety of vehicles all in one place. 

Auto Mart Timed Online Auctions now make it easier than ever to find a vehicle that matches your requirements at a price that fits your pocket. Our auction platform is safe, the items listed come with full condition reports (DEKRA), and we even offer assistance with financing for low credit score customers! The benefits of selling via our auction platform are numerous. Most conveniently, you do not have to transport your vehicles to an auction location, thus saving money on transportation costs. Auction items stay with the seller until they are sold, and viewings can be arranged before the official auction date. Our timed online auctions are completely national, take place once a month, and run over two days. 

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